Drag Chain Conveyor

Product Description
ZEUS provide a full range of drag chain conveyors which are designed to increase efficiency in material handling. ZEUS drag chain conveyors are varied and suitable for a wide range of purposes.This product is available in single strand and double strand with various attachments suits the requirement.
Application Area:
- Coal and Power plant sector
- Cement Industries
- Minerals
- Brick Clay and ceramics industries
- Food industries
- Paper industries
- Biomass Industries
- Solid waste handling
- Tire and rubber industries
- Industrial Application
Technical specification:
- Width : Up to 1200 mm
- Inclination : Up to 60 Deg.
- Capacity : Up to 100 TPH
- Available in various options
- Interchangeability of parts
- Designed and manufactured according site condition and material property
- Designed for dust free operation
- Material can be discharged at any point
- Highly Efficiency
- Low Maintenance
- Higher rate of material handling