One of our clients was struggling to get the exact feedback on the gate’s open and close position. Another he wants to control the gate’s position in terms of opening length. Some maintenance-related issues are also there.
Client’s Problems:
The client was using an electric motor-operated rack and pinion gate and having the following difficulties.
- Gates position feedback is coming through the limit switches, which are manually set and not working properly after some time.
- Intermediate position control was not possible.
- Chain-breaking issues are coming frequently.
- Not any safety provision. In case any limit switch fails there are chances to have major damages.
Our Solutions:
We have provided a non-intrusive electric actuator-operated gate.
- No external limit switches are required and exact positioning can be get through feedback from the actuator.
- Intermediate position control is possible.
- Direct mounted on gate’s shaft so there is no chain and no chain breakage.
- Safety of gate can be achieved using inbuilt function i.e. position sensing, torque control, manual start / stop on actuator itself.
- In case of any mishandling, it shows error messages and is not operated until the problem is solved.
- Can be operated from the local using onboard control panel as well as remote location using the remote control panel.
Zeus Engitech Private Limited is a Manufacturer of Material Handling and Processing systems.
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+91 79400 83484
+91 96870 31234