of bulk material handling Leader In engineering

Zeus Engitech Private Limited is a leader in the engineering of bulk material handling manufacturer & has expertise in developing new innovative products & technology.

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Asia's Largest 600 Tph Salt Washery Plant Manufactured By Us Read More Coal Handling Plant Manufacturer Read More
Zeus Engitech Pvt. Ltd.
1350+ Projects Completed

1350+ Projects Completed

Welcome To Zeus Engitech Private Limited

We are Manufacturer of Material Handling and Processing System

29+ Years of working experience with global clients.

Vision. Passion. Excellence. Performance.
These are not mere words at Zeus Engitech but our guiding principles. Coupled together with unmatched business ethics and uncompromising quality control, they are the pillars on which our company has been built. We measure our success not through how high our turnover is but through how high customer satisfaction is.

An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 Certified Company

  • Experienced Engineers
  • Take Care Clients Satisfaction
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  • Globally Stable Partner

We provide innovative product solutions for sustainable progress. Our professional team works to increase productivity and cost effectiveness on the market.

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The Best Industry

This is to certify that the M/s. Zeus Engitech Private Limited, Ahmedabad has successfully completed the work against order no. 10-53(415)/81/2013-14/PB/904, dt. 19/03/2014 for supply of Salt Washery (5 TPH capacity) at our institute.


The Best Industry

We confirm that M/s. Zeus Engitech Private Limited Ahmedabad (ZEPL) have designed, manufactured, supplied and installation of the complete system. This plant have been satisfactory performing to the rated capacity and doing the on dated 15/11/2021. The performance of the plant during commercial production from the commissioning, has been found satisfactory. We have been receiving after sales service, from ZEPL, by way of timely supply of spares & deputation of their expert design and service engineers, as and when called for, to help, in the operation & maintenance of the plant. We are very satisfied with their professional approach and planned manner in which our plant was executed and have no hesitation in recommending them as very reliable for all types of Bulk material handling & processing equipment's.


The Best Industry

Dear Sir, We refer to your above letter requesting for the Performance certificate for Salt Wahery Plant, System and Equipment executed by you through M/s I Harsh Ganapathi Infracon (P) Ltd-Ahmedabad.(HGIPL) We are very happy to confirm that M/s Zeus Engitech Private Limited Ahmedabad(ZEPL), have designed, manufactured and supplied the complete package of System and Equipment, as follows, for our, 600TPH Slat Washery Plant. installed and operating at Hajipir Kutch on behalf of M/s HGIPL Ahmedabad. The plant has been running satisfactorily since the commissioning of same, from November 2013. Performance of the plant during commercial production, since last over 16months, has been found satisfactory. We have been receiving after sales service. from 7EPI by way of timely supply of spares & deputation of their expert design and service engineers, as and when called for, to help, in the operation and maintenance of the plant. We have also released all full payments due to I IGIPL/ ZEPL including their Bank guarantees. And no payments were due as on date either to M/S HGIPI OR to M/S.2FPL In this regard we have no hesitation in recommending to whom so ever it may concern that ZEPL are good Material Handling and processing organisation.


The Best Industry

We confirm that M/s. Zeus Engitech Private Limited Ahmedabad (ZEPL) have designed, manufactured, supplied and installation of the complete system. This plant have been satisfactory performing to the rated capacity and doing the on dated 05/12/2020. The performance of the plant during commercial production from the commissioning, has been found satisfactory. We have been receiving after sales service, from ZEPL, by way of timely supply of spares & deputation of their expert design and service engineers, as and when called for, to help, in the operation & maintenance of the plant. We are very satisfied with their professional approach and planned manner in which our plant was executed and have no hesitation in recommending them as very reliable for all types of Bulk material handling & processing equipment's.


The Best Industry

We confirm that M/s Zeus Engitech Private Limited Ahmedabad (ZEPL) has designed successfully, manufactured, supplied, erection, and commissioned the complete system. This plant has been satisfactorily performing to the rated capacity from the date of commissioning. The plant has performed well, during commercial production, for the past 04 years and has been found satisfactory. We have been receiving after-sales service, from ZEPL, by way of timely supply of spares & deputation of their expert design and service engineer, as and when called for, to help in the operation & maintenance of the plant. We are highly satisfied with their professional approach and planned manner in which our plant was executed and have no hesitation in recommending them as very reliable for all types of Bulk Material Handling & Processing Equipments.


The Best Industry

M/S. Zeus Engitech Private Limited has taken the successful load trial of the first stream of salt washery plant up to the attached conveyor dated 23.05.2019. They took a successful load trial of the first stream at 200 TPH feed rate along with the tripper and boom conveyor of the Salt Washery plant dated 04.01.2020. They also had taken the successful load trial of the second stream of salt washery plant on dated 17.02.2020. As per SBPL's requirement and purchase order, the load trial concluded. M/s. SBPL started production of salt from 5 Jan 2020 to 19h March 2020 and resumed production from 19 May 2020 would also like to inform you that during the production period, we didn't notice any problems regarding the plant. All safety points guided are through the safety department of M/s. SBPL has been resolved/closed. After installation of the third stream, all the mechanical work, including roof structure and sheeting work done as per SBPL's requirement. In future, during the third stream will be installed, the top roof and only the dismantaltion of truss has to done after, that only we will be doing erection of equipment can be done. Since all work has been completed and as M/S. SBPL want to start their salt production again, henceforth now dated 28.01.2021 M/s. ZEPL would like to hand over the salt washery plant to M/S. SBPL and request the get commissioning certificate from M/s SBPL.

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